Notes app


I decided to create a concept for a notes app as part of a side project. This is something people would use daily so it has to be easy to use.


1. Research and Ideation

I began by researching different notes apps. This gave me a better idea of what to include and things I wanted to avoid. After researching, I knew that I wanted to make it easy for users to categorise their notes to make it easier to find what they’re looking for. I wanted to categorise them by colour so users can see the categories immediately. They are split into business and personal. This prevents users having to spend lots of time finding specific notes.

2. Wireframes

I wanted the layout to be clean and simple so I included whitespace to give each element room to breathe. Creating wireframes allowed me to see where everything would go.

3. Challenges

One thing I struggled with at first was designing the icons as I didn’t have much experience with this. I looked at a lot of examples of similar icons for inspiration and then created my own. They are all quite conventional which is beneficial to users as they will be familiar with what they are, making it easier to navigate.

4. Feedback

I took to social media for some feedback to see if the concept was something people would use. The overall reaction was positive with people saying they would find this useful and that they would consider using it over similar apps. One thing that was suggested was that I give users the ability to mark tasks as recurring. I agree that this would help users keep track of tasks more easily, especially long-term tasks they are tracking.

Final Outcome

I chose orange and blue for the main colours. Blue represents trust and orange represents creativity and together they contrast well. The text is a dark grey against a light grey background. I think this works better than black on white as its less intense and easier on the eye. Overall, I am happy with how this concept turned out and I like the simple layout as its easy to use.

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Our Plastic Oceans

Infographic, Illustrations...

This project involved creating an infographic using the topic of the world around us. Idecided to focus on the environment and how we are causing harm to marine life as it is something I am passionate about.

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